
SATISFACTION – sharing your heirlooms.

Oct 20, 2021

Years ago a friend shared with me stories about her time while caring for her aging mother. They were having a conversation about where various items would go when she passed away.

During this conversation her mother said, “Ann, be sure to express my wishes for each person and be sure to let them all know why I’d chosen that special item for them.”  Mary looked at her mother and said, “why don’t you give it to them?  Why wait, it will mean so much more for them to see you and hear it from you?”  Her mother’s eyes lit up and smiled. “Yes”, she said, that’s a wonderful idea.” 

And it was! Over the next several months, gifts were given and everyone was delighted. 

I’ve shared this true story with clients and friends and even find myself using it as a way to declutter.  Why wait to tell someone you care and how much they mean to you?  It’s even a great way to begin the downsizing process!